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"The chair is on fire"

"I´m working on it, i´m working on it!"  

"Fortune and glory, kid..."  

"That belongs to a museum"  

"Snakes...why do it have to be snakes"

"All I have to do is squeeze"

"That's why they call it a jungle, sweetheart!"  

"If you don't let go Dr. Jones then we'll both die..."

"Give me the whip.../trhow me the idol"

"Fly, NO"

"And this is how we say goodbye in Germany"

"And my mother´s ears, but the rest belongs to you"

 "What's this one?..."

 "I like Indiana..."

 "Dad, they come in through the doors..."

"I told you....don´t call me Junior!..."  

Raiders March (3 sec.)  

"I´m from the Confidential Committee of moral abuses"

"Deckard, blade runner"  

Have you ever retired a human by mistake?

 "I´m a police officer..."

"This is great..."



"Get off my plane!"

"I´m the president of the United States"



"Reach for it...please!"

"When they banged on your head, they must've mushed your brains!"




Harrison Chat

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